One can only wonder what Mr. Trump is going to do next. He now has the stock markets seriously going down every day! On top of that Canada is now threatening to shut down the Canadian electricity for 1.5 million North East Americans as well a a bunch of other stuff. Food prices are also going up. Basically he has destroyed a really good economy as well as constantly threatening our neighbors, citizens, etc. I keep on thinking that there is a point that at at least some of his enthused followers turn on their brains.

On the oither hand I also suspect that is simply not going to happen but, perhaps, Democrats might all vote in the next election unless they too have lost their senses. He just keeps on threatening, he threatens EVERYBODY. Europeans, China, Canada, Mexico, Citizens of America, you name it - he is threatening them with this and that.

If he continues I hope everybody has a good stash of food at home and if they have wood fire places they better get some wood when its still out there to get as well. Looks to me as if we are all in the deep stuff. I know that I have considerably less money that I used to have thanks to his cleverness. Betcha I'm not alone on that one either.

I just keep hoping that Perotista have a pro-Democratic report. So far, no matter what the lunatic does nobody changes their mind on who to support. The American Voting Public continues to display their lack of mental capacity. Its actually a little off setting to know that a vast part of America seem to work, very hard, to support a lunatic to their own wrecking.

Mr Trump, the man who has failed at every undertaking is finally proving that personal bankruptcy and destruction of anything touched up to, and including the United States of America goes south and his supporters seem to think its just fine.

One has to wonder...............