One of the main things Trump is doing is Tariffs. As far as I can tell a Tariff is a thing that is specific and is a tax on stuff being imported into the United States. His plan is to raise the prices so that nobody buys that stuff and its possible for companies, in the United States should be making whatever thereby making more jobs available.

The other day tv showed Somebody thanking Trump for doing that (for something to do with metals) because it will help his business. I am assuming that meant that with the Tariff in place the metal worker will do better because he will now be able to sell his profit. In other words, Trump is raising a price so people can buy a product that another person/contry could produce the same item cheaper (even after importation). This is kinda interesting in that he is also is promising everybody that things are going to be cheaper than they are now. Now he is razing prices, for some things, for something like 200%

I suspect that I am missing something lhere. Wonder if anybody can set me straight.