So far Trump still has to deal with the law and the law has not been kind to his efforts. He gets something, every now and then but not many. I think this will last until after 2026 and then its going to get a LOT worse.
The Democrats - sigh............ We all know what they, we, us, the kinda lefty, and absolutely lazy as hell, haters to a tee, and nobody seems willing to raise their hand. Its very strange. The Republicans are run by problems and the Democrats seem to be not run at all. I have no idea what they are going to do. I suspect that they should call for a huge everybody gathering, in the biggest place they can find and go at trying to get the Democrats together, in agreement, and willing to follow the guy who comes out in first place in such a gathering. I suspect all of Democrate Part/Lefties know what's needed, The Secret is to figure out who are those in charge and will they talk to each other, you know, stuff like that. Right now nobody has a clue and its gotta get fixed. If the Democrats think they are going to win something somebody should at least mention that there is a problem to fix before they can start. Right now I get mail, every day, from "Democrats". I have no real idea who they are, where the money goes, etc., etc. etc. We need a real Political Party, you know, the kind with a leader, and members who are more interested in winning than hating Republicans.
Enough I think - tried to say it several ways. Hope it helps............