Yeah, jgw. Every once in a while, I get those questionnaires from the democrats wanting to know what I think. But at the bottom is always the money box to check and send the questionnaire back with money. They go into the trash mainly because I don’t think they’re ever read, and my answers mean means nothing. But only the money does. I find the money trend interesting, since 2008 the democrats have raised more money than the republicans, at times more than a half billion dollars more. Mixed results as you can see below. Prior to 2016 it’s was the candidate that raised and spent the most money won the election going back to 1968.
2024 Harris 1.994 billion Trump 1.453 billion, Harris lost
2020 Biden 1.624 billion Trump 1.088 billion Biden won
2016 Clinton 1.191 billion Trump 646.8 million Clinton lost
2012 Obama 812 million Romney 628 million Obama won
2008 Obama 745 million McCain 368 million Obama won
My opinion is the democrats need to articulate to the public what they stand for, what they’re for in a positive way. Not that they’re just against, (hate) Trump, the negatives. Around a quarter of the electorate want a reason to vote for a candidate, not just against a candidate. The rest are pretty much set as to whole they’ll vote for regardless of who the candidates are. The difference is in both 2016 and 2024, were campaigns almost 100% negative against Trump, nothing positive about Clinton and or Harris as to giving the voter a reason to vote for them. Now in 2020, Biden had a campaign of bringing back sanity to government, normalcy to politics, bringing back the old ways of doing things through compromise and playing that old political game of give and take. 65% of independents wanted a candidate who would be willing to govern by compromise, Biden won these swing voters 54-41 over Trump. But in 2024, Harris came across as more rigid, less willing to compromise. Although much less rigid than Trump. She did win these swing voters 49-46 over Trump, but by only a 3-point margin whereas Biden won them by 13 points. She didn’t give the voters a reason to vote for her other than she wasn’t Trump. Biden gave those reasons to vote for him in 2020 along with the negative of not voting for Trump. Bottom line, you have to have a campaign of both, positive and negative, not all negative or against.