Trump seems to be moving rather quickly in all of this. Voting assumes that there is a way to do that. That is going to take a bit of time. I am not sure just how long but I do know that Trump is working, hard, to stop voting. I have no idea how but I believe that to be the case. I used to worry about voting being stopped before the next voting takes place (one year, I think) He just doesn't seem to give a damn and that bothers me. I wonder if he has plans to somehow, just get rid of voting.

I know, that is crazy - still, there is something happening, I think............. He is, incidentally, just ignoring judges and laws. Its like they are no longer there for him. If he can just keep on doing that then, I suspect, he can do, pretty much, whatever he wants and get away with it. One would think that somebody would do something but, so far, nothing. He has terrorized, as far as I can see, all Republican politicians and they are silent. Apparently they too are thinking that there will be no more voting which is why they are doing absolutely nothing. They are not thinking that Trump will get somebody to run against them so much as there will be no voting at all and for them to keep their jobs they gotta do what they are told by their Lord and Master.

We will see, eventually what is going on but I do not feel real good as to what might be happening.

I also think that the only thing that might work is for the Democrats to surprise everybody, wake up, put themselves together, have a message and a plan and either somebody, or a group, takes charge and they can actually get on with it.