They are routinely detaining innocent people at the border, indiscriminately rounding up people and deporting them to prisons in other countries and getting little or no push back that has caused them to slow down, much less cease and desist.
They are already labelling the itsy-bitsy protests around the country as acts of terrorism with no meaningful pushback - even when they deport legal residents for the crime of exercising their 1st Amendment rights.
People are getting fired for having spoken or written mean things about the Orange God. Universities and research institutes are defunded unless they toe the party line - and nary a one has had the courage to say: "Keep your filthy money, we'll keep our integrity."
If (when) they decide to announce very regressive voting rules for the entire country and declare that any state that refuses to follow the new guidance will have their elections considered null and void and their representatives refused certification what would happen then? Push back from anyone or thing that matters? Hardly. Mass protests in the street? This administration would not hesitate to follow the lead of Xi, Putin, Erdogan, and the ayatollas - rapid deployment of riot police and (given the slightest extra "provocation") a declaration of martial law leading to the use of mass arrests and disappearings.
Don't think it could happen in the good ol' US of A? It already is happening in a test phase and nothing is stopping them.