I find it discouraging that people seemed more up in arms about the Bush II administration than they are about Trump 2.0. But I suppose it was inevitable.

Americans seem to fall into one of three big buckets:

1) People who do not care enough to get involved in politics or anything to do with a wider community than their own family and small group of friends. If they engage in political discussions at all, they are in the vein of "It doesn't matter, they are all the same." If they vote at all, they will inevitably vote for the most well-known candidate that provides the simplest answers to the questions that register in their consciousness, i.e. their personal economy - invariably manifested in the price of gas.

2) People who are all-in on the path of the country. They want authoritarianism. They want discrimination against those who do not look or think like they do. They want chaos. They despise others, whether for gender, race, political leaning, religious beliefs, national origin, or education - any and all are sufficient reason.

3) People who believe in the principles laid out in the founding documents of the US and in the rhetoric of both major parties from the 1940s until the 1970s. This group is not as homogenous as some would have one believe: there are both traditional conservatives and traditional progressives in this group.

Group #3 is rapidly shrinking while group #1 is gaining. Group #2 doesn't care about demographics beyond what is necessary to gain control of the federal government. They have accomplished this with almost always less than 50% of the national vote.

Now that group #2 has gained complete control of the federal government and the party that represents group #3 has devolved into an incoherent and increasingly irrelevant entity, the complete takeover of state and local government is not far off. They are already silencing academia, the "free" press, law firms, technology firms, and state and local governments through intimidation and the cutting-off of funds.

Some think it is impossible that the government will outlaw the opposition. I am not so sanguine. This administration has followed the authoritarian handbook to a T so far. Why would they stop before they reach the finish line? Disqualifying candidates and declaring a party as anathema to a country's core beliefs has a long history; not only in other parts of the world, but in the US as well.

There is nothing to be done about the people in group #2. Group #1 can be activated, but it would take either a major economic collapse and/or a disastrous war. Even then, someone would need to step forward as a uniting force. If something doesn't happen soon, it won't matter - since that person would never reach the people once the regime has taken complete control of all media including the internet.

How eager they are to be slaves - Tiberius Caesar

Coulda tripped out easy, but I've changed my ways - Donovan