1925 - Margaret Thatcher born in the UK

1962 - "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?," by Edward Albee, opened on Broadway


“. . . if anyone in this audience believes that God made his body, and your body is dirty, the fault lies with the manufacturer.”
-- Comedian Lenny Bruce

From the Church of Ineffable Stupidity:

a) General Sanchez
Where was he two, three, four years ago? A Nightmare without End? That's a fitting title for the quagmire known as IraqNam.

And despite his welcome description of Condi Rice, Don Rumsfeld and DIck Cheney, what role did he play in torturing Iraqis at Abu Grhaib
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b) IraqNam
Six sunni groups combined forces to remove US troops from Iraq. They also swore to exclude Al Qaida.

After deifying military leaders and the Bush-Cheney war plans for six years, the GOP-controlled MSM is at a loss at how to deal with General Sanchez' commentary. Even the conservative talking heads are confused at how to spin his criticism. If he is right, everything they have been saying for 5 years is dead wrong.

Watch for plan C - Ignore that sumabitch.

c) Condi Rice - on the specific criticisms raining down on her abilities, judgment, & action.

"I have not had a chance to read his comments, but I thank him for his service."

Tomorrow's response has already been written: "I have already asnwered his comments, and as I said earlier, we disagree. I thank him for his service, but now you see why some people must move on."

Next week's response is being revised from: "There are more important issues, here and now, than what a tired, retired, old worn out soldier has to say." to "General who?"

"There was never a good war or a bad peace."

Benjamin Franklin