Originally Posted by EmmaG
Nice leaves.

Here in North Florida it was 93 on Wednesday. But today we seem to have a little cool front as our low this morning was 60. Whoohoo. Our leaves pretty much stay green or just fall on the ground dead. Except for the dogwoods and bradford pears. They are quite pretty for a couple of days before they fall on the ground dead.

But the happy news is that I'm going to New York City on Thursday to visit my son. Hoping to see some nice leaves somewhere.

Upper 80's last week here, 38 this morning, heading to the mid 50's midday. Ahhh...fall...which is what the leaves have mostly done...which is cool because being surrounded by farmland on all four sides, the leaves simply blow away. There are little collections, but what doesn't get blowed gets mowed. smile

No hard work to do today!!! Gardens are cleared, pool is closed. I'll probably mow sometime this weekend, but as long as it doesn't breakdown (like last weekend) that's just a sunny ride in the park, so to speak. Very purty pics, Sky!!! cool Here's some of mine from downtown Grand Ledge:

[Linked Image from img.photobucket.com][Linked Image from img.photobucket.com]
[Linked Image from img.photobucket.com][Linked Image from img.photobucket.com]

We'll be heading there sometime today and/or tomorrow for the annual Island Color Cruise Festival, maybe take a cruise on the River Boat & enjoy the crafts...and maybe add a walk around town.

Rick, convincing those already convinced is just their way of rationalizing their bad decision & laying it on your doorstep. I try not to play those games with my employees, & I refuse to do so with my bosses. At times I have to deliver crap, but I call it what it is, with no pretty bows. frown

- - - Bob