Yesterday, a guy that I know related a phone call that he received from the Republican National Committee soliciting money for the Republican cause.
The guy is not a registered Republican, but he does subscribe to a conservative economic magazine (I forget which one he said it was...)
This guy is fiscally conservative and socially liberal and he claims the title of Libertarian.
During the course of conversation with the solicitor, this guy politely stated that he wished to decline giving monies to the RNC.
The lady on the phone stated that conservatives were only two votes away from re-claimiing the Senate.
Again, the guy declined to donate.
The lady on the phone stated that "Libruls like Nancy Pelosi will want to raise taxes."
The guy said he replied that the G.W. Bush Administration has run-up the deficit to a historically high number and has spent and spent on this "war."
The lady on the phone stated that the RNC needs help to return to the "Reagan Principles."
Reagan Principles?!
Did the lady just effectively discount the entire seven years of the G.W. Bush Administration and the four years of his father?
Are Republicans running away from G.W. Bush as Al Gore did in 2000 trying to get away from Bill Clinton's Oval Office shenanigans?
Last edited by california rick; 10/26/07 03:37 PM.