Every single one of the sites you posted a link to are either mildly or radically to the left of center. I use the CATO Institute as a source about Social Security, and CATO does have a bias on that subject, but you post a litany of leftist sources and I'm supposed to accept them as factual and unbiased? Give me a freaking break! Why can you not get beyond your own liberal dislike of Pres. Reagan and look at some unbiased sources about him?
Senator, the slant of those folks reporting a factual history doesn't make it any less factual. A leader needs to be more than just liked, more than just popular. Reagan's administration - the true vehicle of the "Reagan Principle" was one corrupt or disasterous event after another...with a smile & a twinkle in his eye for nearly the whole ride.
The only domestic action he took I could support was his reaction to PATCO. It was a legitimate & strong stance. But everything that has been said above - those negatives you can't stand to hear - are absolutely fact.