Golly, Julia.
1.As far as 'all that private school tuition', I hope I don't detect some sort of implied criticism or derision in there.
2. Money only comes in one size.
3. I never expressed particular interest or worry regarding the tax on the obscenely wealthy, whatever that term means... I also never said that my argument was based on compassion.
I guess that means you got a 'F' on your understanding of the point I was trying to make, or that I am a poor communicator.
(P.S., here's a few hints on why the tuition hasn't kept me from being moderately successful. The magic of compound interest. Buy low, sell high. Bulls make money, Bears make money, Pigs get slaughtered. A penny saved is a penny earned. START YOUNG!)
P.P.S. The tuition was, is, and will forever be the investment with the greatest return.
Last edited by Fermi paradox; 11/01/07 01:46 PM. Reason: secrets revealed