It seems that people who have lived their lives without saving 1% of what has come their way are obsessed with getting some of the savings of those who haven't pissed it all away. I don't want to judge their choices, I just want them to stop staring at my pile and resenting the fact that I have one.
Do me a favor, if there is anyone reading this who falls into that category. Take your kids to someone who can teach them how not to end up with nothing at the end of their careers. Nothing that you can tell them will be of any use at all.
If money was never a person's goal and they feel that they have been successful in life regardless of ending up life unrich, then I commend them. I am not going to ask them to give me any of the peace of mind and sense of accomplishment they feel. I didn't earn it. That belongs to them. They worked for it. It's theirs to keep.
If 2 peers in an office, shop, or factory work for 30 years side by side, one salting something away each week and the other spending all and perhaps more on "toys", what - if anything - does the responsible and thrifty person owe to the spendthrift when they are both in their golden years? 15%? 30%? 50% of his return on investment?
Last edited by Fermi paradox; 11/02/07 12:27 AM.