I just finished watching the video of Warren Buffet that Reality Bytes gave us. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks. He's a truly great Communicator, one who doesn't need a script, is self-effacing, non-pompous, and is honestly trying to convey whatever essential and simple wisdom he has accumulated in his lifetime. I got the sense that he's doing this (instead of something else that would be more fun) out of a genuine sense of gratitude for the opportunities he's had in life, and to convey some of the simple truths he's learned along the way to those coming along behind him. I take back my original accusations. Sorry, Warren.

But before I bail out, I'd like to make a couple of comments about what else I think I've learned during this discussion:

The frustration that some of us hard-working, responsible, able, and arguably financially secure citizens might be feeling is not crazy or even unreasonable. And this is why I think that is true:

Take, as an example, Lone_Hawk's recent admission that he feels that he has been ignored here on RR. I got a small taste of that feeling during this discussion. Lone_Hawk has a wealth of information and insight into matters the rest of us are only competent to speculate on, and has generously attempted to share his views and wisdom (formed over his long career) with us. We (and shamefully, ME), in our various ways, have been ungrateful, rude, and dismissive - and perhaps most frustratingly, we've too often just ignored him. That wasn't right, and I apologize.

The upshot is that lots of good people, ones who diligently go about their lives trying to do the right things - they work hard, love their families, are financially prudent, and do what they can to help those in their community - too often feel that 'who they are' and 'what they do' (and 'what they have to say') is being ignored and belittled. Additionally, and not insignificantly, they think that 'what they've saved' is being taken away disrepectfully.

It was Ronald Reagan (or someone in his organization) who was able to tap into that frustration and invent the "Reagan Democrat".

If someone in politics is able to break through the crust of distrust that has formed around this "demographic" - by acknowledging their existence, respecting their opinions, appreciating their contributions, and most of all acting responsibly with the bankroll these people are providing, it would be of great benefit.

Liberals scoff at the idea that government would be better run if it were run like a business. Watch the Buffet video. Rephrase the question. Change 'like a business' to 'like a simple, understandable, and well-run business which understands and respects its customers.'

"I have studied. I have thought about it. I know I am correct." J. Coleman (Founder of the Weather Channel poo-poos Globwarm)