TOP 14 RUDY EXAGGERATIONS:* Giuliani exaggerated his alleged expertise and experience with advanced interrogation techniques.
* He exaggerated his background as a religious scholar, claiming on separate occasions, "It happens that I am a student of the history of religion," and "[Theology is] an area I know really, really well academically."
* He exaggerated prostate cancer survival-rates in order to make a dishonest ad about healthcare.
* He exaggerated how much time he spent at Ground Zero in the aftermath of 9/11, claiming to be an actual recovery worker.
* He exaggerated the responsibilities of the mayor of NYC, claiming to have the security of 8 million people "on his shoulders," basically characterizing himself as the commander-in-chief of some kind of city-state.
* He exaggerated his 9/11 record in a variety of breathtaking ways.
* He exaggerated his background in counter-terrorism, claiming to have been "studying Islamic terrorism for 30 years," a claim which quickly fell apart.
* He exaggerated his record of reducing abortions and increasing adoptions in New York City during his tenure.
* He exaggerated his record of tax cuts as mayor, including tax cuts that passed over his opposition (and counting one cut twice).
* He exaggerated his budget accomplishments, claiming to have created huge surpluses, when in fact he left Bloomberg with massive deficits.
* He exaggerated how many cops he added to the NYPD.
* He exaggerated Hillary Clinton's comments about economics.
* He even exaggerated his list of congressional endorsements he's received for his presidential campaign.
* And now he's exaggerated Bernie Kerik's record of reducing crime in New York City.