Originally Posted by Schlack
Hi All,

inspired from somethign said in another thread.

poses an interesting question.

what, if anything do we as individuals owe humanity?

At a bare minimum i would suggest that we owe other humans the right to be treated as humans.

I'm impressed, Schlack. You opened this orginating post by asking one question, and immediately answered an entirely different question. You asked what do individuals owe humanity. You answered with the suggestion of what the minimum is that individuals owe other "humans" (in other words, other individuals).

The rest of the posts by others that followed seem to have done the same and not actually answered what was asked.

By the way, you were in error when you wrote:
I agree steve, but the word owe came directly from another ranter - whose opinion i would like to see here, expanded a bit.

The word "owe" came directly from the poster I was responding to. Only have a few minutes, but will try to comment more (hopefully the thread will be straightened out and back on topic before then) next time I get to a PC.:-)

"When all has been said that can be said, and all has been done that can be done, there will be poetry";-) -- Issodhos