The policies that he allowed to be put in place during his watch have been disasterous for the country, almost without exception (indeed, I can't think of one, but I am allowing for the possibility). The idea that he "saw" the fall of communist Russia and "pushed" them toward bankruptcy is unsupportable historically. (Mikhail Gorbachev was the true achitect, although even he did not envision the breakup as it occurred.) It is a myth that was created after the fact, like most of his "history."
The tax cuts Reagan pushed through Congress have fueled the economic boom that went on for years. Reagan study communism one hell of a lot more than you have studied Reagan, NW. He knew the system was moving towards bankruptcy and began pushing it that way before Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in the USSR. Again I challenge you, NW, to do some research on Ronald W. Reagan and to look at sources outside of the ones that you have used to form your opinion of Reagan.