Originally Posted by humphreysmar
We had the party. Afterwards Marg asked why I was so nice--she wouldn't be doind any party for me. My response--someday someone else will. She thought I was cold-hearted and manipulative. I didn't. My thinking is you get back from humanity's "pot" what you put in. Maybe what you get isn't even recognizable, but overall I think we're ALL connected and not to recognize that connection is sad.
Excellent, Martha. I do so agree with you.
I would also like to applaud Mellow's, Greger's and Steve's posts. I mirror their feelings. I try to do good, consider that a responsibility and believe I'll get back what I put in.
I can't really add anything else except this.....remember Hillary's comments, "it takes a village to raise a child"? Don't get me wrong, I'm not great fan of hers. I just very much agree with her statement and never could figure out why she was so vilified for it.
It DOES take a village. It matters very much what is going on around us. We are interconnected.

I think of 'life' as a privilege and it behooves us to be good stewards and good players in our shared spaces.


"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...it's about learning how to dance in the rain."