We had the party. Afterwards Marg asked why I was so nice--she wouldn't be doind any party for me. My response--someday someone else will. She thought I was cold-hearted and manipulative. I didn't. My thinking is you get back from humanity's "pot" what you put in. Maybe what you get isn't even recognizable, but overall I think we're ALL connected and not to recognize that connection is sad.
Excellent, Martha. I do so agree with you.
I would also like to applaud Mellow's, Greger's and Steve's posts. I mirror their feelings. I try to do good, consider that a responsibility and believe I'll get back what I put in.
I can't really add anything else except this.....remember Hillary's comments, "it takes a village to raise a child"? Don't get me wrong, I'm not great fan of hers. I just very much agree with her statement and never could figure out why she was so vilified for it.
It DOES take a village. It matters very much what is going on around us. We are interconnected.
I think of 'life' as a privilege and it behooves us to be good stewards and good players in our shared spaces.