California Rick, the only thing your comments prove is your hatred for Pres. Reagan, not that he was hated by a majority of the American public. If you wish to wallow in that hate that is your privilege. I do not believe in hate and do not hate any politician, even FDR or either of the Clintons, as much as you hate Ronald W. Reagan. In 1984 the American public voted overwhemlingly for the Reagan Principles. Nothing you have posted has shown that they didn't. By a 57 to 40% margin the American public voted for the Reagan Principles.
I take umbridge in your characterization that I 'hated' Ronald Reagan. I can tell you one thing
Senator, I felt
nothing but hate coming from President Reagan as a gay man in the 1980s. I can never, ever forget how a President of the United States of America turned his back on thousands and thousands of sick and dying Americans simply for the fact that they had contracted AIDS - the "gay disease." Mr. Reagan wouldn't
even utter words "AIDS" until halfway through his eight year term.
Senator is
hatred. Those are the "principles" that I know of Mr. Reagan. I never "hated" Mr. Reagan, but I do recognize him as a vile, repugnant man - and that's
my view.
...and it is true, that upon hearing of his death I did not shed a tear, I did rejoice in the fact that he was probably "going" to a place that he deserved to go...
So if the GOP wishes to embrace the "principles" of Ronald Reagan, so be it - I wish the GOP well.