Greger says hermits and monks are nothing new nor are their aims necessarily commendable. When hermits and monks say we should all be hermits and monks and hoard our belongings and give it not to the poor and needy then Greger begins to hate hermits and monks.
Hmmm. Who is saying you have to become a monk, Greger? More importantly, who is telling you to "hoard" your belongings and not give to the poor and needy? Surely it is up to you as to whether you wish to become a monk or not, and surely it is up to you as to what you do with your own belongings?
Perhaps, what really bothers you is the idea of you and others no longer being able to get the government to put a gun to your neighbor's head and force him to become a monk as well as forcing him to hand over whatever amount of his belongings y'all decide you want in any given year for whatever program-of-the-day is in fashion.:-)