As for me I gave you plenty of examples for which you receive benefits (defense, research, exploration, hospitals, etc), everyone receives those benefits whether or not paying taxes (and many believe no one should pay taxes, but still receive those benefits) and should be grateful for and if not owe at least make an effort to contribute to the betterment of humanity as well.
Even if I thought I was indebted to those voluntarilly serving in the military (I don't), my indebtedness would be only to them, and would not, for example, include the Federation of Russian Milkmen. If I thought I owned anything to researhers, it would be to them, not the Jujuweed (a vermin in Sudan) and the rest of humanity. Hospitals? If there were any indebtedness it would be to Nurses, Doctors, janitors, admin, donors, not the prison population of Rykers Island.
So, it is obvious that it is the individual or individuals that I would be indebted to -- not some questionable thing called 'humanity' that too many people wish to put legs, heart, and face to. And even to be indebted to the individuals mentioned, I would have had to have received something from them for which they remained uncompensated monetarilly or emotionally.
As I wrote earlier, I am indebted to specific individuals in my life. I also owe gratitude and respect to those individuals who have made the world a better place for all as a result of their work or effort -- but I don't owe 'humanity a damned thing. Course, I am a laid-back, easygoing, live-and-let-live kinda guy, so if others wish to wave the 'humanity' shibboleth about, it's still a semi-semi-free country.;-)