Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
Originally Posted by Senator Hatrack
I take umbridge in your characterization that I 'hated' Ronald Reagan. I can tell you one thing Senator, I felt nothing but hate coming from President Reagan as a gay man in the 1980s. I can never, ever forget how a President of the United States of America turned his back on thousands and thousands of sick and dying Americans simply for the fact that they had contracted AIDS - the "gay disease." Mr. Reagan wouldn't even utter words "AIDS" until halfway through his eight year term.
The homosexual community has decided in retrospect that Pres. Reagan hated them because he did not do much for those who had the disease of AIDS. Why did Reagan not do much about the disease? Could it be because not much was known about the disease and therefore not much could be done about the disease? Or is it easier to blame the spread of the disease on Reagan because he did little to help when no one knew what to do? What the Center for Disease Control doing about AIDS back then? How much research was being done? When it was learned that the AIDS was and is spread primarily through sexual contact did the homosexual community urge people to abstain from sex? Or did the homosexual community prefer to continue to have multiple sexual partners? The spread of AIDS was something the homosexual community could have done a lot to prevent its spread but they have passed the blame to Pres. Reagan so that they don't have to take responsibility for their own behavior. The hatred they say they got from Pres. Reagan is actually the self hatred that due to a number of factors is more dangerous to the homosexual community then the disease of AIDS. Whenever one is angry with someone it is because they see something in others that they do not like in themselves.

No you didn't. Revisionism is fine, but what you say is absolutely irrefutably false and malicious. You are not going to blame the victim like that and get away with it Senator.
What is the homosexual community a victim of? It is a victim of its own behavior! What did it do to stop the spread of AIDS? The homosexual community could have done one HELL of a lot more to slow the spread of the disease of AIDS but didn't! It has instead blamed the spread of the disease on Pres. Reagan.

Reagan refused to even utter the word AIDS nor did he ever once acknowledge those who suffered from it. Plenty was know at the time he was President, even the CDC was speaking about it and reassuring people that it was not transmissible by casual contact.
So what if Reagan had never said the word AIDS? How would his saying the word have changed anything? The CDC was not doing much to stop the spread of AIDS because other than abstaining from sex not much else could be done at the time.

Pres. Reagan refused to do anything to comfort those afflicted or reassure those not so of their fears. His silence undoubtedly caused great suffering and death.
What was Reagan supposed to do? Go to the funeral of someone that died of AIDS? How funerals of people that died from AIDS did Pres. Clinton go to?

He should have been impeached for his criminal neglect, but at the very least I will not stand by and let you blame the victims for this.
There was no criminal neglect on Reagan's part. The victims of AIDS had more to do with their illness or death from the disease than did Reagan. That is a fact that you refuse to accept!

I am frankly shocked that anyone at this time would even attempt to justify the silence of that horrible man.
He was not a horrible man. You are shocked because Reagan did not do something you think is important. Your opinion of him only makes him a horrible man to you.

The state can never straighten the crooked timber of humanity.
I'm a conservative because I question authority.
Conservative Revolutionary