Senator, I am afraid you have so completely misstated every point that my blood is boiling. I cannot respond and stay within RR guidelines.

If you had buried as many friends and lovers and seen the devestation wrought by this disease as I you would never dare make such ignorant comments. AIDS visits many whose only "fault" is being alive. Please inform yourself on this topic before uttering such offensive comments again.

There is a saying we adopted early in this illness when Reagan sat in silence.


You besmirch the unprecedented heroic actions of the gay community in your ignorance. You blame the victim for a disease that attacked them before it was known the cause, those who contracted it through transfusions, or birth.

I see so much hostility toward gays in your comments that I simply cannot see any objectivity in them. Homophobic is far too kind a word.

Last edited by Phil Hoskins; 11/19/07 09:12 PM. Reason: temper

Life is a banquet -- and most poor suckers are starving to death -- Auntie Mame
You are born naked and everything else is drag - RuPaul