Dennis starts by saying:

I see the world as being an integrated whole, I understand the world as being interconnected and interdependent.

What is the number one threat to the world's environment? Global Warming? Air pollution? Oil?

Dennis has the right answer:

Number one: the United States must lead the way in abolishing all nuclear weapons.

Second greatest threat? War, Dennis says. Right on, I say.

Then he gets to Global Warming.

We must come to the next Climate Change conference with a real intention to reduce Greenhouse Gases.

And then, he gets to Oil.

This is a call to the heart, a cry to the heart, a call to conscience, for all Americans to recognize that the connection between Global Warring and Global Warming is Oil, the connection between war and ecocide.

Then he talks about Mass Transit, Green Building Codes, Wind and Solar Microenterprise, and government as an investor rather than a manager. He talks about using the scientific skills and tools of America to develop "carbonless combustion".

It's amazing what is possible today in America.


I think there's an unlimited amoutn of wealth out there that is available to our creative energy if we would only "go green".

And finally:

We are the generation that we have been waiting for.

What a great quote! No matter what we do or do not do, those words still ring true. No matter what goes right, or what goes wrong, they are still true. We are. No other generation is going to come and replace us. Dennis calls us to action:

The real "cause" of our lives is to heal the world.

So while we're here, let's support the candidacy of a man with a real vision. Sure, he has no chance of winning. But every time he opens his mouth, he alters the national conversation. Let's make sure he can keep talking.

Give us the wisdom to teach our children to love,
to respect and be kind to one another,
so that we may grow with peace in mind.

(Native American prayer)