Originally Posted by california rick
Originally Posted by Tatuma
It is hard to believe in this day and age that some still echo the hatdred and homophobia of Reagan.

Not only that, couple this information with Bob Herbert's OP-ED piece from the New York Times, 11/13/07, and an entirely different picture of Ronald Reagan emerges.

(Fermi, linked to the article on page 12 of this thread)

It's interesting, those who support Mr. Reagan come from the bases of an economic position. Those who do not support Mr. Reagan do so from a social position.

Very interesting...

As hateful a man as Reagan was on social issues, he was equally a disaster economically. He was the first installation of the "shock economics" of Mitlon Friedman. Reagan pursued those callous policies in Latin and Central America, in the process leading to the death and impoverishment of millions of people.

He tried to run up so much debt in this country that it would provide the opportunity to ram through Friedman's plan to transfer wealth from the middle class to the ultra wealthy. It was up to Bush jr. to move the process along. It is the only accomplishment of the latter.

Life is a banquet -- and most poor suckers are starving to death -- Auntie Mame
You are born naked and everything else is drag - RuPaul