strange that youre more concerned with the imagined inner fascists and less with the real "outer" ones.
Oh my, Schlack! Surely you realize that "outer" fascism is nothing more than a manifestation resulting from when a number of us fail to maintain control over our inner fascist? You do realize that we all have an "inner fascist", don't you?
I mean, have you ever seen that "River Dance" stuff?;-)
River Dance would be an expression of the "Inner Kitschist" more than anything else.
amazing how you can descibe an attribute to every single human, every individual, with only having an engagement with a minute fraction of the 6 billion or so. Ihats not very individualist of you! Its a very contradictory belief for you to have (for belief it is as its not based on personal experience of all 6 billion people's inner fascist).
its one of many.
or instance how would one effect and individualist society without co-ercing those that dont want to be part of it? Wouldnt one then, by the very actions of creating the individualist state be compromising the very foundation of individualist belief?
even if an individualist society were created, im intrigued as to how it would work.
could you please enlighten us on how the mechanics of such a society would work, for instance in the bulding of roads, hospitals, and other infrastructure. How would issues be dealt with by those with an interest but are outside the sacred financial transaction (hypo alert e.g. a waste incinerator being built in an area that the prospective neighboiurs object to).
i just cant see how the mechanics of such a society would work, perhaps its my inner fascist preventing me from thinking the correct way