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And how would these "recalcitrants" be handled in your brave new world?
I suspect it would be rather difficult to be a political recalcitrant in a libertarian oriented society in which the Right of individuals to be free to voluntarily associate with like-minded individuals in forming a community of their choosing is recognized and safe-guarded. Of course, all individuals would still be subject to the sam laws of the land -- laws based on natural Rights in a libertarian oriented society. If you have a specific example in mind, let's take a stab at it.
By the way, your use of Huxley's collectivist-based utopia as a comparison to it's exact opposite -- a libertarian oriented society -- is a bit misleading.
Oh, and another thing that seems to be beyond the grasp of some -- not necessarilly you -- is that there is always a "trade off". And regardless of the desire to do so, one truely cannot both continue to keep one's cake and also consume it.;-) Yours, Issodhos
"When all has been said that can be said, and all has been done that can be done, there will be poetry";-) -- Issodhos