All the hardcore collectivists would certainly do their best (as they have always done) to sabotage a free, libertarian oriented society(that word makes me want to spit!) arrangement between free individuals. It will always be necessary to be on the look out for and counteract the nefarious goals of these "recalcitrants".

ASIDE: I must say that I am in complete disagreement with the dictionary on the usage of this word. Their collectivist definition
Originally Posted by Encarta Dictionary
stubborn opponent: somebody who stubbornly resists authority or control by another

Encarta® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1999,2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
almost makes it sound like these are the type of individuals who would struggle against the evil of collectivism.

How eager they are to be slaves - Tiberius Caesar

Coulda tripped out easy, but I've changed my ways - Donovan