Issodhos, You argue long and hard and type for hours trying to pound this through our thick skulls and believe me should you be offering a political philosophy that will largely solve the ills of society all individuals. I would like to learn more of it. You are a bit sketchy on details though and as we all know.....The devil is in the details.

So political recalcitrants would be a thing of the past as there would largely be nothing to be recalcitrant about. You could live alone or you could live in groups. This should pretty much make everybody happy.

The laws of the land would all change to better reflect their relationship to us as individuals rather than to us as a group. Very good. A daunting task though, don't you think? Would we start by striking all laws from the books or address them individually and restructure them to suit. Perhaps a new ten commandments sort of arrangement might work? Maybe you could jot down some ideas for us.

The choosing of leaders might be difficult as well but as right thinking individuals perhaps there will simply be no need for leadership. Since elections are skewed towards a collective mind, well, you get the picture right? Democracy is out the window. Perhaps you could just choose for us. Hell maybe you are the best qualified for the job of reforming the Western World.

See, I'm really trying to get this but keep running into problems which I admit are only because I can't break away from the collectivist thinking regardless of your attempts to help me. Perhaps you could link me to a website where I could study your philosophy in more detail?

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...