Originally Posted by Greger
Issodhos, You argue long and hard and type for hours trying to pound this through our thick skulls and believe me should you be offering a political philosophy that will largely solve the ills of society all individuals.

...snip ...

This should pretty much make everybody happy.

... snip ...

Democracy is out the window.

... snip...

Perhaps you could link me to a website where I could study your philosophy in more detail?

I think you would have to look long and hard and you would still not find a posting where I suggested all the "ills" would be resolved, nor would you find where I write that "democracy is out the window", or that everyone would be happy. Indeed, as long as everyone refrains from infringing on the Rights of others their personal happiness is irrelevant.

I did provide Schlack several informative links on libertarian thought, as well as on anarcho-capitalism. I see no evidence of him using them so he will probably not mind you 'borrowing' them from him (I mean, why else would you ask for links that I have already provided in this thread to another unless you thought they were somehow restricted?:-)).

As to your conflating the Libertarian political party with libertarian philosophy, best not do that else you will simply end up confusing those who are unaware that the two are not synonomous. Anyway, you asked for some links so here are a few. The one offering free books (pdf format) is an especially valuable link. I would recommend "Human Action" by von Mises if you are interested in a book on the Austrian school of economics -- economics being recognized as an intergral part of of individual liberty.

Concerning land: LANDLOCKED

Common property in anarcho-capitalist societies

I would also suggest Thomas Paine's "Agrarian Justice" for his view on why land is different from other types of property.

Journal of libertarian Studies

Free books

The Ethics of Liberty

Vices are not Crimes -- Lysander Spooner

"When all has been said that can be said, and all has been done that can be done, there will be poetry";-) -- Issodhos