Issodhos, after all the verbal gamesmanship and word twisting and bloviating("to speak pompously and excessively") which you will, of course, deny but which is also totally beside the point because I'm here for the same reason. I feel you have finally come to a point, actually several. Libertarians are not necessarily members of the Libertarian Party. The LP is possibly best know for (a)not wanting to pay taxes (b)not wanting their tax dollars spent to help anyone (c)de-regulating all business (d)Removal of the (gun, bayonet, machine gun etc.)coercion by government to force them to do anything they don't want to do. (e) remarkable resemblance to neocons (f)denial that they are right, left, or center.
Now that you've made it clear that these are not your goals, and never were, then much of what you say begins to make an admirable sort of sense. Utopian, perhaps, but no less admirable. and phrased differently it might agree with all our Utopian hopes and dreams. It includes virtually unlimited freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want with whomever you want as long as you don't step on anybodies toes. Central Government would not require a King, Dictator, or President. A Prime Minister of indeterminate term and not a great deal of power might be appropriate. National government would be in charge of national infrastructure and defense, I deem environmental regulation a part of national infrastructure. Most "federal laws" would be out the window as any individual behavior and rule breaking would be handled at a local level. For instance, the chap who ran his big boat into the bridge would be punished in some form for his mistake which greatly infringed an a lot of peoples natural rights. The corporation involved would pay an enormous sum to make things right. Everyone would pitch in to help clean up the mess even to the point of cutting off their hair to make more hair mats.
I may have made some mistakes in this "rant" and I beg you not to be too fussy since you have a playful way of twisting our words back on us. I'm simply trying to view this "Brave New World" as it could be and should be. Forget Huxley, my friend, this is indeed brave and new.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...