Originally Posted by Irked
Originally Posted by issodhos
Did I forget to mention a wall of separation between the state and education? Until that happens, the mass of students will continue to have their minds poisoned with a state-sanctioned, pedagogically perverse numbing down of their ability to function at more than a semi-literate level.

So true! If a child's parents are either unwilling or unable to finance the education of their children, all the better: we still need hamburger flippers and people to mow lawns. For these people, the lack of an education is a blessing. For the vast majority of people, they should be able to learn all they'll ever need to know in the home -- where education should begin and end.

Bit of a fly in the ol' "quarter pounder" there, Irked. Our present government-controlled system is already producing a vast surplus of workers who, with a little extra on-the-job training, can fill these job slots.;-)

"When all has been said that can be said, and all has been done that can be done, there will be poetry";-) -- Issodhos