Originally Posted by Mellowicious
Originally Posted by Greger
Julia, yes, the wealthier people can afford to send there children to arguably better prep schools. and the middle class perhaps to less luxurious trappings but with essential education at a not unreasonable price.
Greger, I'm not sure what you're responding to here. My only contribution here has been to say that the rich will always have more opportunities/freedoms than the poor. Me, I'm for educating everybody in sight for as long as possible -- I want my old-age caretakers to be able to read prescription instructions and cook my gruel -- but I'm afraid I may be wandering offtopic

I was responding to the comment somewhere that the rich man gets what he wants and the poor man gets what he can afford. The rich really have no more freedoms under the Libertarian Philosophy. There has always been a separation between rich and poor as far as opportunities are involved. We cannot all be rich and if you took everything from the rich and gave it to the poor then we would all be poor. Please remember that I am totally separating the Libertarian Philosophy from the "Libertarian" Party. I have seen the logic in the philosophy but the party itself does not reflect the philosophy beyond the surface. Much like the other two parties. While embracing the Libertarian Philosophy I remain a Democrat. The Libertarian Party appears mostly to be disgruntled Republicans.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...