Originally Posted by issodhos
Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
The more I read from those advocating an "individualist" society the more I am convinced it is merely covering up selfishness on steroids.

It can be confusing, Phil. Think of it this way. When one forcibly takes from another in order to give to another, and then claims one is generous -- one is not only a thief, but also a liar. Not so the individual who gives of his own and does so freely and without coercion:-)

It may be confusing to you but not to me. All the philosophical meandering in the world is of interest only to those who like fantasy play. The communist philosophy sounds great until it is tried in a real world situation, as does the "individualist" philosophy.

The problem is that all philosophies have to come down from thought to action through the all too imperfect instrument of human beings, where all fail.

The libertarian-individualist philosophy has never been implemented fully, so it can always be held out as a viable solution. The same could be said of communism, however.

Life is a banquet -- and most poor suckers are starving to death -- Auntie Mame
You are born naked and everything else is drag - RuPaul