The communist philosophy sounds great until it is tried in a real world situation, as does the "individualist" philosophy.
Funny you should mention that, ive been reading some of Iss's links on libertarianism, from a historical sense, seems like the scholastic torchbearers spent as much time if not more castigating marxist scholars that doing anything constructive. is there a pattern here i wonder!
I havent swam too deep in the theory just yet, its economics and i fear i might drown in it, but it does seem to be yet another "bringer of light" philosophy built on an economic basis.
Utopia is ours if only we'd follow the one true way, based on the sacred rite of the transaction.
thats not to say there isnt a fair bit of truth in the concepts and rationale, but economics is only one filter through which to view the world.
i have no doubt that some hold these beliefs true and dear, and work towards the day when it becomes a reality (heavens just over the next hill, boys). Its the fellow travellers that bother me, the ones who will use such a philosophy, or the name, or the cover story to f*ck people over.
you know who they are!
oh and another thing.... these inner fascists that seem to keep cropping up. It seems Isshodos that you think the IF resides in us all. That in fact it is human nature. how then could a pure libertarian ... erm.. society survive when populated by a myriad of goosestepping consciousness.
I promise to read more of those links.