Originally Posted by olyve
For fun because we needed some fun, we ordered and watched Rocky Horror Picture Show tonight.... grin
Nice blast from the past.
Cheeky on so many levels.
I LOVE the sound track!
Susan Sarandon is hot.

Oh that sound track. One night my S.O.'s best friend pulled out a copy of the soundtrack that didn't have the words, they both sang along from memory, it was hilarious and frightening at the same time (not quite as frightening as earlier in the evening when we discovered that the Oxygen on Demand channel had Karaoke... 3 guys and 3 girls singing "The Rose" is truly a sight... and sound... to see/hear). And I completely agree, Susan Sarandon is hot grin

Now if anyone wants to see a very odd anti-corporate, anti-establishment romp down the wacky trail, go rent The Magic Christian. Came out around 1969, stars Peter Sellers and Ringo Starr, with appearances by Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Richard Attenborough, Christopher Lee (as a vampire), Roman Polanski, Raquel Welch (in a leather outfit wielding a whip), Wilfrid Hyde-White, and Spike Milligan. You might have trouble getting all the way through it sober, but it definitely has it's moments and it is truly truly odd.