Originally Posted by Ardy
Originally Posted by Schlack
i wonder can we say something similar for libertarians - or at least those who spout libertarianisms for their won benenifit?
In fairness, I think libertarians express that philosphy because they feel it is a benefit for all, not just for themselves.

ahh but ardy im not really talking about libertarians but those who latch onto the political philosophy in order to ride both horses, as we see here with Mr Evolutionary Economucks himself.

its does beg the question, though because i have seen "opt in/out" of the state libertarians. like this guy im wondering how many would opt in when theyre in the sh*t, how many would remain true to their principles of non-interference.

now im not taking issue with the streams of libertarian thought (i do think its an unreachable impractical utopia they want but thats another thread entirely) as it has a valuable balancing place. I am taking issue with the fellow travellers who will use anything to their advantage, and drop it when they feel like it.

Last edited by Schlack; 12/18/07 01:57 PM.

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