My husband is tonight staying with my daughter and the newborn. (S-O-B-S-I-L had to go back to work on a 12-hour shift from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM.) I STRONGLY ENCOURAGED BMama, (BM if you abbreviate) to do this. He never before felt the compulsion but I, let us say, encouraged him). Martha.....somewhere maybe you understand.....I feel joy and sadness.
This is a bit of thread drift but fits here with those who read this thread

One of my favorite movies is "Broadcast News" Holly Hunter's character is crying because of an event that has happened. Her boss says to her, "It must feel great to be right all the time."
Holly's character replies, "No it feels terrible."
I have such intuition. That night that I spoke of caused some of my friends to wonder about my deep depression. Well last night I found out that was my S-O-B-S-I-L's last night on the job. Yes, sports fans, my daughter and her new baby have a husband who is without employment.
I have to smile a bit because I sensed Megan's upset. It might have been that SOBSIL told her he was coming home because he no longer had a job (don't know if he quit or was asked to quit). Because I made Mr. BamaMama spend the night with Megan, SOBSIL might have had to spend that night shuffling between the Waffle House and IHOP!
I should write a novel -- but one has to have an ending......
