Originally Posted by toots sure
It will feel so much better to be sued by tree-hugging libertarians who want to dictate how loud I can play my music, how smelly my pigs can make the down wind air, and whine to the authorities that the water in the stream is a little deadly.

I'll feel so free!

You may see a big difference in a libertarian zoning board trampling my rights and a libertarian cop taser-ing me and a libertarian IRS collecting my money to pay for all this libertarian natural "rights protecting."

I don't
Reminds me of Bush and his 'dictatorship" vision.
It's fine as long as he gets to be the dictator.

Since you won't say who gets to pick these thugs, I'll assume it's a libertarian collective of busy-body do-gooders.

'Meet the new boss....'

There is a saying that you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink. Having worked awhile in an earlier life as a farm hand, I can assure you this is usually correct. Being one who has little interest in making anyone do anything, I am quite happy to leave the horse to drink or not drink and to leave you to engage in bad faith argument or not.:-)

"When all has been said that can be said, and all has been done that can be done, there will be poetry";-) -- Issodhos