Those would be state/societal granted privileges which could just as easily be recinded when useful to the state to do so.
I see, so lets say Ireland, the people in 1937 voted on a new consitution which defined the rights, - so the people were agreeing what rights the people of ireland should have.
it was in some ways an insane document, but thankfully it has been changed many times over the years - by referendum. the people directly choose what rights are, what rights the courts uphold, what boundaries legislation can have.
as society changes those rights change. were still in the process of re-defining rights of the unborn. under the original 37 doc they hold the right to life, but protection of that right infringes upon the rights of women to travel (preventing them going to England go for abortions).
so I would have to come down on the side that even the right to life is a defined one.
now you can rant on about "the state" all you want, but "the state" and successive governments doesnt want to touch this issue with a barge poll.
as i said when situations change so do rights, and when they have been taken away from people, or people believe they should have different rights than they currently do, they agitate for them.
isnt this part and parcel of revolutions....
no taxation without representation.