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If you do not think that there are natural rights that adhere to man by dint of being human, then you have no foundation for claiming that the rights of others in other societies (or cultures within your own Irish society) are being violated. Yours, Issodhos
the foundation of irish rights are those agreed by the Irish people, in its constitution that both people and government are bound.
that is the foundation. a far deeper and stronger foundation that mere theorising.
am i reading you right when you say that i have no foundation. that the foundation i think i have in the agreed contract of my state is meaningless and impotent?
its not perfect Iss, like all Human political creations, messy i believe was the word you used to describe free markets. so to here. i wonder why messiness is ok here and not for economics. i wonder why people coming together freely and agreeing common rules for living their lives - and the rights on which those rules are based on is apparently "goose-stepping" while incoroporating a corporation doing the exact same thing (albeit in a more limited fashion) is ok?
please make your choice between the two.
either your for people coming together freely and making descions or you think its fascism.
"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words." (Philip K.Dick)