And no, it is not a "leap into the dark", it would be a leap out of darkness -- a darkness that has been man's lot for millinnia. Apparently most people in this ol' world feel comfortable remaining in it despite it vulgar and brutish character, as long as they can pretend there is a collective light at the end of the tunnel.;-)
apologies o learned one.
I of course meant to say a leap of faith.
sooo many questions remain unanswered satisfactorily.
What mechanisms in a libtertarian society would prevent the inner fascist from revealiing him/herself?
What mecnahisms in a libtertarian society will prevent the stonger freely associated groupings from infringing on other rights? as far as i can see its adherence to this particular philosophy. and we all know how good humans are to sticking with those when personal and group advantages are at stake
What would happen to those sections of society who are unable to care for themselves and who would have no obvious benefactors. orphans, the mentally ill, decrepit old people with no money and family. do we engage in social darwinism and by our choice of inaction leave them to fend for themselves?
what mechanisms would resolve disputes between different groups of people with diametrically opposed interests? voting is apparently out as that is merely mob rule, and democracy akin to the dictatorship of the mob.
How would a desicion on the route of a road to be built be made?
Do we do away with all centralsied planning, infrasructure plans
and speaking of pre-convieved notions.....
And no, it is not a "leap into the dark", it would be a leap out of darkness -- a darkness that has been man's lot for millinnia. Apparently most people in this ol' world feel comfortable remaining in it despite it vulgar and brutish character, as long as they can pretend there is a collective light at the end of the tunnel.;-)
where we are now is the result of the constant struggle of competing politial idealogies, geopolitics, indivivdual invention and action, destruct testing of legislation in the courts, competing sectional interests, successful and failed initiatives.
light at the end of the tunnel? dont think so, we are neither bound into any one particular course of action, nor is the route pre-determined.
its a messy evolution.