of course our old fiend Iss is certain he has the answers here, Schlack. the problem is, i haven't seen them, Iss. i wonder about are Irish friend's questions. i have stated in the past that much of your individual philosophy, and libertarian as well, finds itself relying on the irony of group cooperation, a collectivist strategy if there ever was one, but you said i was wrong, that voluntary cooperation and individualism, and i suspect libertarianism, are not the same. ironically, since i am read on the subject and even practiced - i'm wondering, Iss, how much of what you enjoy posting here do you actually attempt to put to work in your life? - i offered you links to Mildred Loomis and Ralph Borsodi's decentralized philosophies and cooperative individualism. you never responded to that post? why not? is it because, perhaps, Borsodi and Loomis showed us what individual philosophy looks like up close and personal? while i can't answer for you, of course, i would say they did do this. and it is not a bad picture, really. at any rate just thought i would touch base and say hello.

yours in worth,

sure, you can talk to god, but if you don't listen then what's the use? so, onward through the fog!