ironically, since i am read on the subject and even practiced - i'm wondering, Iss, how much of what you enjoy posting here do you actually attempt to put to work in your life? - i offered you links to Mildred Loomis and Ralph Borsodi's decentralized philosophies and cooperative individualism. you never responded to that post? why not? is it because, perhaps, Borsodi and Loomis showed us what individual philosophy looks like up close and personal
Actually, I did respond to that post, 2sins. I wrote:
"Thanks for the read, 2wins, but if you are going to continue to caricature political individualism as being a "lone cowboy slowly riding his horse into the sunset", rather than as a political relationship between the individual and the state, I don't think we are going to get very far. It is a myth about individualism that it some how rejects the idea of individuals engaging in interaction for their mutual benefit or even the benefit of a stranger."
I have gone out of my way to define the terms I have used, yet you and some others continue to substitute a different meaning for the same words without making clear that you are doing so. I can only bother so long with responding to such intentional (or so it is beginning to seem to me) ambiguities before I have to accept that futher response becomes meaningless.
I did go to the Loomis link and found it to be nothing more than a story about a couple of semi-Fabian types seeking to redo the whole Eden thingie. I wonder if this is from whom eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt got their whacky idea to get folks to go back to the country and homestead at the height of the industrial revolution.:-)
Anyway, if you are as well read on the subject as you say, and if Loomis and Borsodi are what you think represents libertarian thought, I have to conclude that some has badly mislead you.