TPTB have prepared- Patiot Acts, militarization of police, recent 'agreement' with Canada regarding exchange of troops during civil unrest- for what's coming and they plan on remaining TPTB. Does anyone really believe that the Patriot Act was intended to keep us safe from 'terrorists?' I asked myself the same question that Dr. Roberts asked concerning our troops overseas. Will we leave them there to fend for themselves? Where's CONgress? Are they totally irrelevant?

I believe that it was Einstein who said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. We keep electing the same politicians over and over again, and yet we expect a diffent result? Hillary did play a roll along with Bill, the dems, and repugs in imposing NAFTA. Now she's opposed to it and supposed to make nice nice?
