Originally Posted by Slipped Mickey
I know a guy who is a para Olympian and one hell of a great guy. I was once at a conference when I saw him heading toward an elevator in his manual chair while pulling a large suitcase on rollers. I knew there was no way the elevator door was going to wait on him and his suitcase to enter before it closed. I yelled to him to hold up, I'd help, as I sprinted across the lobby to grab the elevator door. Without a thought he responded over his shoulder as he continued toward the open elevator door, "I've got it; this ain't my first day."

When I was only using the scooter for shopping, I was perfectly capable of getting it in and out of the trunk. Of course, people were always racing across parking lots to help me. I'd thank them and say I could do it. The only exception were little old ladies. When a seventy-something woman would totter rapidly up to me, I found it impossible not to let her help.

Currently reading: Best American Mystery Stories edited by Lee Child and Otto Penzler. AARGH!