To tell the truth, I don't even know why y'all are talking about this. I've heard it and much more but it's all racist. That's fact. Black people, Italian people, Native American people, Puerto Rican people, Vietnamese people and the rest in America should determine how they are to be called and the rest of us should respect it.

If I'm down home and someone calls me a redneck there's different connotation than there would be if someone called me a redneck in Oakland. Much of it has to do with the "caller" and the location. If a guy from Oakland calls me a redneck while we are both in a bar in Macon, Georgia, that's a completely different situation.

I'm 100% Irish. Both families are from Ireland. I was born and raised in Georgia, which was a penal colony that was established by King George. Many of the families from Georgia are from the original Irish prisoners who established Georgia. Ain't no feckin way I'd sit in a bar in Southie (Boston) and call anyone "Paddy". LOL! Never happen. Place matters.

High yellow and a lot of other terms are offensive to African Americans. Why bring it up? It serves no purpose.


You, you and you, panic. The rest of you follow me.