RS, I think you are going off in another direction, one in which you and I have much in agreement. I have long ago worried about the current economic situation and am inclined to agree with your predictions of where things are headed.

Where we disagree is in the causes. My contention simply is that there is little or no distinction between the government and the forces that govern the economy outside government. The uber wealthy and their cohorts select the government, we voters are left to endorse their selections.

Government's regulation of the economy is always in favor of the large economic interests with a patina of help for the average person. For the most part, I would say that the government/wealth efforts to manage the economy are of benefit almost exclusively for those who already have great wealth. As a result, we are currently in dire straits not because of regulation per se but because the regulation that exists is aimed at interests other than those of the public.

Our disagreement centers on whether it would be better for there to be no or minimal regulation or whether the problem is in divorcing the actions of the government from a handful of powerful interests. I favor the latter, you the former.

Life is a banquet -- and most poor suckers are starving to death -- Auntie Mame
You are born naked and everything else is drag - RuPaul