Originally Posted by numan
Your self-awareness transcends that of the average hominid on this planet, Rick.
Good counseling, numan, good counseling - its simply a matter of truly being honest - humans haven't evolved that much from our primate cousins in 40,000 years. Isn't our DNA and primates DNA something like a 98% match up?

I snicker at humans that think that they're so "evolved." If truly "evolved" - they're freaks of nature - that's all I'm sayin'. I think its more a matter of elitist attitudes than "evolution" - but if we tell them that, their Angry Ape Syndrome will rear its ugly head.

Originally Posted by numan
This is a topic which deserves a thread of its own, though I am uncertain which forum it belongs under.
I'd place it under the HEALTH & SCIENCES forum.

Contrarian, extraordinaire