Originally Posted by Ardy
It is not that I do not agree that the economy has been horribly mismanaged. And who knows, perhaps the collapse is on it's way. But having hears such predictions so often, I am a little skeptical in nature.

Thank you. That is how I feel.

I don't pretend to know a lot about economics. Math hurts my brain.

But what I do know is what I see in my household. We are almost debt free, (we have a van to pay off), except our house. We are throwing money into a money market each month. We have the cash to do fun things and to repair our home. If I believed everything I read or heard on the news, then I would be holed up in my home and trying to Ebay everything I owned.

Part of the problems with our current economic state is:
1. Companies looking at those with bad credit as potential money makers.
2. People with bad credit wanting something for nothing.
3. People with nothing trying to live the American dream without realizing that it takes work to achieve that dream.
4. The government putting its hands in everything and trying to save ourselves from ourselves.

There is more I know, but that is the basics as I see it.

"If you think health care is expensive now, wait until it is free." - Herman Cain